How hard can it be
to convince yourself of something
you never want to believe?

How can you feel this way
when everything you’ve ever told yourself
was created to deceive?

Build the lies
because everyone will start to believe
the words you pour your heart into.

Speak the words
like they’re truer than your desires
because the only one doubting is you.

Forget what matters
because this time there is no turning back
and finding hope.

Learn to bury
like your face into your pillow
as you learn you can not cope.

Bottle up every thought
that tells you things could actually work,
feelings don’t have to leave…

How hard could it be
to convince yourself of the very thing
you never ever want to believe?

About Robin Elizabeth

My name is Robin Elizabeth and I'm 25. I do not create with my own ability, but with the gift God has given me.

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