This short little page is going to tell you about Write.It. I hope that you enjoy.

I don’t want to make this less personal by leaving out the “you’s” and “me’s” of the paragraph as if some corporation or computer typed the about page. I think that in trying to get to people on emotional, mental and personal level all those aspects help.

The name Write.It came from the idea of writing out any feeling that came my way and to encourage others to do the same. You don’t have to get upset, mad or hurt by something as much as it seems like the easiest way out. A lot of times just simply writing it out helps and that is the idea. Write it.

This blog came to life because I was told by a mentor of mine that if I want to be a writer, start a blog. So I started this. After a while I thought posting series poems that tell a specific story would be a good idea. The first one I did was called “Poetic Story” and is not actually on here as I am looking for where I put those poems. But the first one I put up on here was “The Story of an Ex-Self-Harmer” because I know the effect SH (Self-Harm) has on peoples lives. The struggle to get out of such a thing is a long and tolling struggle and I want to do what I can to raise awareness and be a help.

This blog isn’t simple my attempt to be a famous writer one day, but my attempt to help and make a difference. And it is also my release. Though not every poem I write is based off what I am going through I pick up on others’ feelings quite well. Well enough to write a poem relating to them. I don’t mean to boast in myself as I could not do any of this with out Christ.

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Write.It is currently under construction…pretty much always…

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